Java Variables
date 19.11.2020
Variables are important pieces in programming. We are using them to store data values. In java, we have different types of variables:
- `int` - `float` - `char` - `boolean` - `byte` - `short` - `long` - `double` - `String` (I don't know why it's capital 😥)
How to create or declare variables
First specify the type and give it a name and then assign it a value. ```asm variable_type variable_name = value; ```asm
For example: ```asm String userName = "Berkay"; int likeCount = 5; ```asm
Also, you can declare a variable without value. ```asm char c; c = 'b'; ```asm
If you assign it new value, it will update itself. ```asm String country = "Turkey";
System.out.println(country); // Turkey
country = "England";
System.out.println(country); // England ```asm
Let's learn the types with examples.
```asm int number1 = 10; double number2 = 4.5; // you have to cast float float number3 = (float) 4.5; number3 = 4.5f; // this is shorter way ```asm
Characters and Strings
```asm char character = 'c'; String string = "string"; ```asm
Boolean type only accepts `true` or `false`. ```asm boolean bool = false; bool = true; ```asm
Extra 😉
You can merge strings with `+`. Let's see it in action. ```asm public class MyClass {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String fileName = "index"; String fileExt = "html";
System.out.println("Your file => " + fileName + "." + fileExt);
} ```asm
Output: ```asm > Your file => index.html ```asm